Saturday, January 31, 2009

Free Funds For College

Everyone should have their tax information by now. Filing the FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, asks a lot of financial questions regarding the parents income. Many of the answers can come directly from tax filings, so we believe it's advantageous to fill out your 1040s. You can wait to file them, of course, but now you have the answers at hand for the FAFSA.

We welcome everyone to take a look at our eBook - Free College Funds, which is available at It's a great eBook and will pay for itself with the scholarships you can find with it. Learn how to get scholarships, enter data into scholarship search engines, and write great essays on those scholarship applications!

Check out!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Time To Start Searching For College Scholarships

For all of you parents out there who are looking at college acceptance letters for your high school senior children, it's late, but not too late, to kick it into high gear and start applying for free college scholarship money.

We've got a great eBook that will help you with your search. It's all about getting free funds for college. It has links to scholarship search engines. And one of the highlights is that there are a succession of FAFSA online application screenshots. The FAFSA application is Step 1 in any college scholarship search, and many parents stumble on it. Or, it's so intimidating, that parents put it off. Well, our eBook, titled Free College Funds, is the answer for you!

Check out the website Free Funds For College and pick up a copy today!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Free College Funds eBook

Robin and I have written a new eBook titled:
Free College Funds - The High School Guide.

It's meant to help parents and teens (and adult students!) find free college funding sources. It's full of great advice and links to scholarship search engines.

For more information, check out:
Free Funds For College

See you at school!

Free College Money, Scholarship Search Engines, Scholarship Money, Free Tuition, College Grants, Free College Funds, College Funds, Go To College For Free, Find Scholarships Grants

Social Networks

Another author asked me where I have social networks. Other than MySpace, here are the URLs where I have set up a Doug Hewitt mystery author site.

I don't know if these social network sites will help sell more copies of The Dead Guy, but I will say they've been fun to hang out at. And there are a lot of nice people there (virtually speaking, of course).

Let me know if anyone has an idea of more networks that help with book promotion. Sharing is a good thing!

Happy promoting!

~Doug Hewitt

The Dead Guy, New Mystery Novel, Doug Hewitt, mystery novel, mystery book, crime novel, murder mystery, mystery author, good mystery read

Friday, January 16, 2009

Parents Write Goes Sleuthing

Robin and I are heading to the Sleuthfest convention next month!

This is a convention for mystery writers. And so, because my latest novel, The Dead Guy, is a mystery novel, we figured we'd go! Plus, it will be in February and held in Florida. That's a good reason to go, too!

We would like to invite anyone who is going to look us up!

See you in Florida!

Doug and Robin

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Parents And The Holidays

The holiday season can be a stressful time. This is due, in large part, to expectations. It's so difficult to meet everyone's expectations, which can often be inflated because of how we think the holiday season should be.

Sometimes we think that just getting through the holiday season with no major catastrophe is a major accomplishment.

But the warmth and good feelings are there. We know they are. We hope everyone took the time to appreciate the good things about this holiday season.

Doug and Robin
See Doug's Funny Spuds Video Trailer for The Dead Guy