Friday, September 21, 2007

Judge OKs 'Hitler Youth' Buttons?

NEWARK, N.J. — Two students in northern New Jersey can wear buttons featuring a picture of Hitler youth to protest a school uniform policy, a federal judge ruled Thursday.
Okay, now I realize this is a First Amendment case, and my stew isn't with the judge.
What is wrong with these parents?
You give your kids a Hitler Youth button to wear because you don't approve of school uniforms?

First of all, I'd like to know what there is about the school uniforms that offends you. No designer jeans allowed? Can't show off the fact that you paid $175 for that pair of sneakers that you bought for little Michael? Worried that no one will be able to tell just how special your kid is if he's dressed the same as the rest of the pack?

Let me digress. My kids wore uniforms to school, and I'll tell you the reasoning that was in place at that time: some of the kids were dirt poor, while others were from wealthy homes. By requiring uniforms the school cut out a lot of petty meanness, because rich kids tend to look down on poor kids.

Flash forward to today's schools. Uniforms in today's schools are being implemented for one scary reason: gangs. Rich and poor alike, schools are being infiltrated by gangs at an alarming rate, and all the gangs tend to adopt a specific article or style of clothing to show their allegiance.

On to my second question: Why in the world would you equate the Hitler Youth to your child's right to clothing choice? Are you saying that because little Tony can't pick out what to wear to school, he won't be able to think freely? That the school is forcing him into servitude to the government? Do you even have a clue what the Hitler Youth were?

And now for my prediction, folks. Flash forward, about 10 years from now: The scene is a college auditorium, where a politician has just finished the Q & A session after a forum. You guessed it- there's Michael or Anthony, grinning like a village idiot while he uses his Right to Free Speech to disrupt the forum, attract the campus cops, and shout that now immortal line (you guessed, didn't you?)

"Don't Tase me, Bro!"

p.s. I had to do it- I ordered the bumper sticker. Thanks, Bill O'Reilly!

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